[Updated 02/01/2024]

As parents and guardians new to the school, you might have questions about the school that you have not had a chance to ask. Starting any new school can be both exciting and a little apprehensive. We have prepared below some of the more frequently asked questions. If there is anything we have not answered, please feel free to email us.

1.    What is Middle Years? How is the school organized?

Middle Years comprises Year 1s, Year 2s and Year 3s. These are the foundation years in which the student is prepared eventually to take the International Baccalaureate (IB).

The school is organized into 2 sections:

Middle Years (Year 1, 2 & 3)

Senior Years (Year 4, IB 1 and IB 2)

2.    What is the size of the class?

Class sizes vary. They range from 25 – 30 students in a class. There is no ‘good’ class or ‘bad’ class, all classes are mixed-ability classes. In Year 3, students are allocated based on their subject choices.

3.    How are lessons arranged?

Lessons are organised into 30-minute periods. There are 2 breaks during the school day, one at recess and one at lunch time. Unless there are after school activities or enrichment programs, school usually ends between 3 - 4pm.

4.    How are students assessed?

Students are assessed on oral skills, research skills, presentation skills, written skills and the ability to problem solve and question.

For Year 1 to Year 2, the award of the subject grade on a scale of 1 to 7 over the two semesters is based on the components shown in the table below.

For Year 3, the award of the subject grade on a scale of 1 to 7 over the two semesters is based on the components shown in the table below.

*Graded assignments include class tests, coursework and other written assessments.

5.    How can I find out about the academic progress of my child? When will report books be given?

Progress reports are provided online at the end of each term through SDMS. Details on the access to SDMS for parents to view/download the reports will be provided to parents in an email in Term 1. Report books will be given at the end of the academic year together with the End-Of-Year report.

6.    How do I get information about on-going school activities?

Parents and guardians are notified about all on-going school activities via emails or letters.

Your point of contact about school matters is via your child/ward’s Form Teacher and or Co-Form Teacher. Some Form Teachers use a class chat group to update parents and guardians. Alternatively, they may communicate via email.

Parent-Teacher-Interaction (PTI) sessions are organised in Term 2 and Term 3 to enable teachers to update you on your child's progress in school. An invitation will be sent via email to invite you to register for the sessions.

7.    What is the school’s approach to holistic education?

A holistic education is a mixture of academia, out-door learning and community service. The school tries to incorporate all of these in its curriculum time-table. As such you will see that apart from the usual class assessments, there are many opportunities for students to give back to the community, go on camps, experience exchange programs with students in other countries and perform on stage.

8.    What help do weaker students receive?

Teachers differentiate class learning for weaker students. This may take the form of notes, remedial after school or on-line learning. Whichever approach it is, the student is never made to feel any less than his classmates and the teacher is mindful at all times to motivate and encourage that student to do better.

9.    How are gifted students challenged?

Again, as the teacher differentiates lessons, more able students are pushed further with additional requirements to their assignments. The teacher also encourages stronger students to help weaker students. A sense of caring and sharing is important for the well-being of the class and every effort is made to discourage selfishness.

10.    Where can we purchase school books and stationery?

Students can purchae stationeries from the book shop located in the HCI school canteen. Textbooks can be purchased online here.

11.    Where can we purchase school uniform?

School uniform can be purchased online via https://www.hcis.schooluniforms.sg/bb_hwa-chong-international .

12.  How do I contact my child/ward’s subject teacher?

You can contact your child's teachers via email.

13.  How are CCAs chosen? Can my child have more than one CCA?

A student chooses CCA based on their interest and passion. CCAs are conducted on various days of the week. Some CCAs are in school and some are conducted at specific external venues. If the CCA is out of the school campus, the school arranges a 2-way transport to the venue of the CCA.

All CCAs have coaches in addition to the teachers-in-charge.

An online CCA application will be opened to all new students and details will be shared with the students during morning assembly.

Your child can have more than one CCA as long as your child is able to balance academic studies and CCA commitment well.

14.  How does the school manage discipline?

The school distributes the student handbook which states what is expected of students, decorum, attire, roles and responsibilities. Mobile phones and devices are strictly prohibited during curriculum time unless it is required to carry out lesson activities.

Discipline is taken very seriously at HCIS because we believe in providing and ensuring the safest, most conducive environment for each child to grow, explore, learn and develop.

Whilst the school has zero tolerance for bullying, we proactively try to prevent a situation from developing by identifying at-risk students and counselling them accordingly.